
Is It Better to Buy or Rent? - New York Times

Is It Better to Buy or Rent? - New York Times: "Add it all up - which The New York Times did, in an analysis of the major costs and benefits of owning and renting, including tax breaks - and owning a home today is more expensive than renting in much of the Northeast, Florida and California. Only if prices rise well above their already lofty levels will home ownership turn out to be the good deal that it is widely assumed to be."

In Conservation Effort, U.S. Bans Caspian Beluga Caviar - New York Times


In Conservation Effort, U.S. Bans Caspian Beluga Caviar - New York Times: "WASHINGTON, Sept. 29 - The United States Fish and Wildlife Service announced Thursday that it would ban the import of caviar from beluga sturgeon in the Caspian Sea, after caviar-exporting countries in the region failed to provide details of their plans to conserve the fish. "

America, United States, Times Online, The Times, Sunday Times

Tax Dollars at work!

America, United States, Times Online, The Times, Sunday Times: "ANNA NICOLE SMITH, the former Playboy cover girl accused of being America�s most brazen gold-digger, will try to persuade the US Supreme Court next week that she should inherit millions of dollars from her late husband, a Texas billionaire who married her when he was 89 and she was 26.
The judges of America�s highest court, a more cerebral audience than the stripper-turned-reality TV hostess usually entertains, informed Ms Smith yesterday that they will hear her appeal over the disputed fortune of her late husband, the wheelchair-bound oil tycoon John Howard Marshall II. "


New Orleans Mayor Defends Return Plan - Yahoo! News

New Orleans Mayor Defends Return Plan - Yahoo! News: "'They took everything � all the electronics, the food, the bikes,' said John Stonaker, a Wal-Mart security officer. 'People left their old clothes on the floor when they took new ones. The only thing left are the country-and-western CDs. You can still get a Shania Twain album.'"


UK Prime Minster Can Party

In other news Bush was seen at Hiro hanging from the rafters..
New York Daily News - Daily Dish & Gossip - Rush & Molloy: Pictorial counterattack may prove blow to Moss: "TONY BLAIR and an entourage of 10 dined at Soho House Tuesday night. Despite a full batallion of security, the British Prime Minister was ever so casual in an open-neck shirt."

IPod's Law: The Impossible Is Possible - New York Times

Just like Hollywood starlets, the Ipod is wasting away..
IPod's Law: The Impossible Is Possible - New York Times: "Apple is so confident in the Nano's appeal, in fact, that it has decided to make room in the product line by discontinuing the world's best-selling player, the iPod Mini. That's a gutsy move, because the Nano isn't really the same thing. "

Reasonable Gwyneth Paltrow

The Globe and Mail: Proof of blonde cognition: "Still, the mention of Dietrich takes us back to the non-American application of her talents, and to her current residence in London as the proud Mrs. Coldplay. 'Yes, well, I went to Spain in an exchange program at 15, and I've always been drawn to Europe. America is such a young country, with an adolescent swagger about it. But I feel that I have a more European sensibility, a greater respect for the multicultural nature of the globe. And it's a strange time to be an American now.'"

Exhausting Gwyneth Paltrow

The Globe and Mail: Proof of blonde cognition: "The voice regains its spark, the eyes lose their glaze and the fountain pours forth: 'I totally agreed with it. I feel like we're really in trouble. I just had a baby and thought, 'I don't want to live there.' Bush's anti-environment, pro-war policies are a dis. . . .' Well, you can guess the rest. Her speech is deeply felt and not unintelligent, yet entirely predictable and ill-suited to these pages, where analysis of American domestic affairs is confined to the highly partisan manoeuvrings of Brad and Jennifer. Sorry. Gwyneth's wall may be down, but the game, and my time, are up."

Burn, Baby, Burn

Independent Online Edition > Science & Technology : app6: "They believe global warming is melting Arctic ice so rapidly that the region is beginning to absorb more heat from the sun, causing the ice to melt still further and so reinforcing a vicious cycle of melting and heating.
The greatest fear is that the Arctic has reached a 'tipping point' beyond which nothing can reverse the continual loss of sea ice and with it the massive land glaciers of Greenland, which will raise sea levels dramatically."


Rupert Murdoch, Bending With the Wind

Rupert Murdoch, Bending With the Wind: "Recent friendly meetings between Hillary Rodham Clinton and Murdoch, recorded in the New York Observer, may be early signs of embryonic bet-hedging. Has Rupert begun to stir and put his loyalties in play again? Given his oft-expressed contempt for 'gabfests' (second only to Bleeding Heart Journalism as a Murdochian term of abuse), it's interesting that he will be showing up for the Clinton Global Initiative that starts in New York today.
Murdoch knows that occasionally shifting his political support in an unexpected direction is a tactic that increases his power. It means no one can ever take him for granted, and it is an effective means of convincing politicians that helping him with his business interests is both prudent and wise -- that what's good for the News Corp. is good for America/Britain/Australia.
When Murdoch's executives start publishing diaries about working for Rupert in the Dubya years, my guess is you will see an entry, dated sometime in 2005 or 2006, about the shift in mood on the day he first murmurs that the neocons 'have started to look like dying elephants.'"


Virgin plans oil refinery | Business Breaking News | Breaking News 24/7 - NEWS.com.au (14-09-2005)

Virgin plans oil refinery | Business Breaking News | Breaking News 24/7 - NEWS.com.au (14-09-2005): "Like the rest of the airline industry, Mr Branson's Virgin Atlantic Airways has been stung by higher jet fuel prices and was forced to raise fuel surcharges for the second time in four months.
Hurricane Katrina sent oil prices soaring to $US70 a barrel because it shut several US Gulf Coast refineries, which turn crude oil into products like diesel, gasoline and jet fuel.
'If we don't start now to get more refineries built then fuel prices could literally rocket to $US100-$US200 (per barrel of oil) and the world economy would come to a grinding halt,' Branson said in an interview on financial news network CNBC overnight.
Mr Branson did not say where he wants to put his refinery, but some analysts said he should not look to the US, where no one has built a refinery in 29 years."


The Intimate World of Lachlan and Rupert Murdoch

So do we..

The Intimate World of Lachlan and Rupert Murdoch: " (Rupert thinks limousines pretentious). "
BREITBART.COM - Just The News: "Researchers fear the growing popularity of portable music players and other items that attach directly to the ears _ including cell phones _ is contributing to hearing loss in younger people.
'It's a different level of use than we've seen in the past,' says Robert Novak, director of clinical education in audiology at Purdue University in Indiana. 'It's becoming more of a full-day listening experience, as opposed to just when you're jogging.'
Increasingly, Novak says he's seeing too many young people with 'older ears on younger bodies' _ a trend that's been building since the portable Walkman made its debut a few decades back.
Everywhere she turns, Angella Day sees people carrying portable music players, often with the ear buds stuffed firmly in place. 'They're very widespread,' says Day, a senior at Chicago's DePaul University who regularly listens to music on her own iPod while studying or working out. 'So addicting.' "


CNN.com - BA hikes surcharge as oil rises - Sep 8, 2005

While continuing not to serve food on its flights!

CNN.com - BA hikes surcharge as oil rises - Sep 8, 2005: "LONDON, England (Reuters) -- British Airways is raising its fuel surcharge on long-haul tickets for the fifth time in a year following a surge in oil prices to record highs."

Showtime's Perennial Struggle to Capture That HBO Aura - New York Times

Showtime's Perennial Struggle to Capture That HBO Aura - New York Times: "But now Mr. Moonves, who will become chief executive of the broadcast and TV production units of Viacom next year, hopes to do what no Viacom executive has yet been able to do: turn Showtime into a hit maker to rival HBO.
It remains to be seen if he can find the same magic for Showtime that he used to overhaul CBS and make it the No. 1 broadcast network.
So far, Mr. Moonves professes confidence in Showtime management, which has generated buzz for some shows. Yet Showtime has been unable to increase subscriptions significantly; its 13.5 million subscribers are dwarfed by HBO's 28 million.
'I am a huge admirer of what HBO did,' Mr. Moonves said in a telephone interview. 'For the first time in many years Showtime is beginning to play in the same territory.'"


Hunter Thompson Suicide Note

BREITBART.COM - Just The News: "Douglas Brinkley, the presidential historian who is also Thompson's official biographer, writes that a Feb. 16 note may be Thompson's final written words. It reads:
'No More Games. No More Bombs. No More Walking. No More Fun. No More Swimming. 67. That is 17 years past 50. 17 more than I needed or wanted. Boring. I am always bitchy. No Fun _ for anybody. 67. You are getting Greedy. Act your old age. Relax _ This won't hurt.'
Hunter left the note for his wife, Anita. He shot himself four days later at his home in Aspen, Colo., after weeks of pain from a host of physical problems that included a broken leg and a hip replacement.
Written in black marker, the note was titled, 'Football Season Is Over.' "


BBC NEWS | Programmes | From Our Own Correspondent | Cold beer and hope in New Orleans

BBC NEWS | Programmes | From Our Own Correspondent | Cold beer and hope in New Orleans: "Johnny White's has always been an institution on the corner of Bourbon Street and Orleans Street in the French Quarter and, despite it all, they somehow manage to keep cold beer on ice.
Run by alcoholics for alcoholics was how it was described to me, and that is not far off the mark.
'What is the toilet etiquette?' I asked the barmaid, wondering if I should just go out into the street.
'Here is the restroom key,' she said, handing me a torch, 'and watch the body on the stairs.'
Hellish sights
The body's name was Squirrel. He was banished to the landing for getting lippy when the cops dropped by, and he was just sleeping it off. "

Thailand Emerges As Fake Passport Capital - Yahoo! News

Thailand Emerges As Fake Passport Capital - Yahoo! News: "The most commonly seized fakes are Belgian, French, Portuguese and Spanish passports, which Thai police say are easily copied. Thai police seized 353 such passports from a Greek courier en route to London in March 2004 and 100 from a Spaniard and Dutchman trying to sell them in February to an undercover policeman in Bangkok. Another 452 were taken from Algerian-born Briton Mahieddine Daikh, who was going to deliver them to London in early August."

True Dat

OpinionJournal - Extra: "Many in the media are turning their eyes toward the federal government, rather than considering the culpability of city and state officials. I am fully aware of the challenges of having a quick and responsive emergency response to a major disaster. And there is definitely a time for accountability; but what isn't fair is to dump on the federal officials and avoid those most responsible--local and state officials who failed to do their job as the first responders. The plain fact is, lives were needlessly lost in New Orleans due to the failure of Louisiana's governor, Kathleen Blanco, and the city's mayor, Ray Nagin.
The primary responsibility for dealing with emergencies does not belong to the federal government. It belongs to local and state officials who are charged by law with the management of the crucial first response to disasters. First response should be carried out by local and state emergency personnel under the supervision of the state governor and his emergency operations center.
The actions and inactions of Gov. Blanco and Mayor Nagin are a national disgrace due to their failure to implement the previously established evacuation plans of the state and city. Gov. Blanco and Mayor Nagin cannot claim that they were surprised by the extent of the damage and the need to evacuate so many people. Detailed written plans were already in place to evacuate more than a million people. The plans projected that 300,000 people would need transportation in the event of a hurricane like Katrina. If the plans had been implemented, thousands of lives would likely have been saved."

CNN.com International

Somehow I don't think excitement would be the word I would use to describe it CNN.

CNN.com International: "Mexico excited to play role in relief"


stratosphere? Id say he is well further out than that..

New York Post Online Edition: gossip: "September 5, 2005 -- IS Michael Jackson (above) undergoing a radical makeover to look more 'macho' as part of a major comeback attempt? Michael C. Luckman, author of 'Alien Rock: The Rock 'n' Roll Connection,' claims Jacko, who just turned 47, is being overhauled in Bahrain and is in talks for long-term deal to perform regularly at a Las Vegas casino/hotel. Besides lifting weights with a trainer, Jacko plans to wear shorter wigs, less make-up, and generally try to look like less of a freak. Jackson's parents, Joseph and Katherine, are reportedly spearheading the revamping. 'Michael Jackson is headed to the stratosphere,' Luckman predicts to PAGE SIX. 'Nothing can stop him now.' "

'Entourage' Chillingly Realistic, Insiders Say - New York Times

'Entourage' Chillingly Realistic, Insiders Say - New York Times: "'I was fired from two agencies, and the first time, they padlocked my office, my assistant was crying and they were literally trying to take my Rolodex out of my hands - which I later learned you are legally allowed to take - as I was escorted from the building,' recalled Gavin Polone, a former agent and now a producer. 'The best thing was that they forgot to turn off my company car phone. And back then - this was in 1989 - your car phone bill could run $800 a month. I wound up using it for four more months.'"


My Way News

My Way News: "Meanwhile, scientists say they're alarmed by how much of the region's environmental defenses against future hurricanes and other big storms have become seriously compromised.
Officials with the U.S. Geological Survey who flew over the Gulf Coast from Florida to Louisiana said Thursday that most of the Chandeleur chain of barrier islands - the first line of storm defense for eastern Louisiana and western Mississippi - appears to be gone. What is usually a continuous line of dunes is now just marshy outcrops, said Ann Tihansky, a hydrologist with the survey. 'It's unbelievable,' she said, after reviewing the results of an aerial video survey.
'It just makes the coastline more and more susceptible because more of that storm surge can move further inland,' said Glenn Guntenspergen, a U.S. Geological Survey landscape ecologist who has studied the effect of hurricanes on Gulf Coast ecosystems.
With the loss of the islands and wetlands that buffer the region, he said, 'It becomes less and less likely for the systems to be able to recover from these kinds of storms. The systems as a whole are rapidly losing their ability to recover.'"

Waiting for a Leader - New York Times


Waiting for a Leader - New York Times: "It would be some comfort to think that, as Mr. Bush cheerily announced, America 'will be a stronger place' for enduring this crisis. Complacency will no longer suffice, especially if experts are right in warning that global warming may increase the intensity of future hurricanes. But since this administration won't acknowledge that global warming exists, the chances of leadership seem minimal."


UK: Free Ipod Nano, Ipod Mini

Found this site which actually is pretty decent. Some friends did it in the states and apparently it works. Help me get a free Ipod!


Movie - The Constant Gardener

Movie - The Constant Gardener: "In the transfixing thriller The Constant Gardener�an adaptation of John Le Carr�s novel by City of God director Fernando Meirelles�Ralph Fiennes gives one of the year�s subtlest, yet most exciting, screen performances, modulating from callow British diplomat to impassioned lover of both Rachel Weisz and Third World justice. Le Carr�s politics haven't been as artfully transferred to the movies since Richard Burton starred in Martin Ritt's The Spy Who Came In From the Cold (1965), a film so assiduously bleak, so British-German dour, it should have inspired a new genre: film gris."

The Mohawk Becomes, Well, Cute - New York Times

Maddox Macks the Mowhawk
The Mohawk Becomes, Well, Cute - New York Times: "Perhaps it was the wave of stylish men in New York and Los Angeles in the late 1990's who gelled their hair into luminous crests known as fauxhawks who paved the way for more extreme versions as a popular summer look. Or perhaps the Mohawk has re-entered the vocabulary of stylists who operate far from the barbershops near St. Marks Place, the city's historic thoroughfare for alternative style, thanks to the well-documented and ever-evolving Mohawk of one man, Maddox Jolie, 4.
Maddox, the adopted son of Angelina Jolie, is a regular face in the pages of Star and Us Weekly, and in the way of so many trends born in the pages of celebrity magazines, he has done for Mohawks what Harry Potter did for round spectacles. He made them trendy, starting a cut-to-the-scalp movement among Hollywood offspring that now includes the children of Jennifer Connelly and Paul Bettany: their sons Kai, 8, and Stellan, 1. Et tu, Natalie Portman?"

President vows massive aid to storm-hit area - Hurricane Katrina - MSNBC.com

Wasn't the US worried about Crystal Meth last week? I can see demand rising!

President vows massive aid to storm-hit area - Hurricane Katrina - MSNBC.com: "Additionally, Energy Secretary Samuel E. Bodman said the Transportation Department had waived rules governing trucker hours, a step he said would increase the supply of gasoline. "

Consumers Across the Country Eligible for Free Annual Credit Reports

Consumers Across the Country Eligible for Free Annual Credit Reports: "Starting September 1, consumers in 14 East Coast states join the rest of the country in qualifying for a free annual credit report from each of the three nationwide consumer reporting companies � Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. The free reports were mandated by Congress in The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 (FACTA), which requires the nationwide credit bureaus to provide consumers with a free copy of their credit report, at their request, once every 12 months. Consumers who want to access their credit report online can go to www.annualcreditreport.com."