
Berlusconi compares himself to Christ - Europe - MSNBC.com

First Kanye, now this.. Poor Jesus..

Berlusconi compares himself to Christ - Europe - MSNBC.com: "ROME - First it was Napoleon. Now it is Jesus Christ.

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Belusconi has compared himself to both, prompting the open scorn of his political opponents and even the quietly raised eyebrows of his coalition partners.

“I am the Jesus Christ of politics,” Italian media quoted him as saying at a dinner with supporters on Saturday night. “I am a patient victim, I put up with everyone, I sacrifice myself for everyone.”"


Variety.com - Fans flood Hong Kong Disneyland

Variety.com - Fans flood Hong Kong Disneyland: "Fans flood Hong Kong Disneyland
Park reached capacity on Monday and Tuesday

Hong Kong Disneyland locked its doors two days running after selling out over the Chinese New Year holiday. Park reached its 30,000-visitor capacity on Monday and Tuesday, thanks to a combination of good weather and an influx of mainland Chinese tourists.... "

End of Hiro

NIGHTLIFER Nur Khan, who lorded over Maritime Hotel hotspot Hiro for two years, has left to start his own club. Khan - formerly at the reins of Sway, Spy and Wax - says he parted "amicably" with Maritime maestros Eric Goode and Sean MacPherson. "It's just time for me to move on to bigger and better things and a project of my own," says Khan, who is already scouting locations.

G-Spa & Lounge: NYC: New Horrible Club

This sounds miserable - both as a club and a spa. So would you like to try our new nicotene and vodka wrap? Or perhaps you would like to listen to our new soothing chime music tonight in the club?

"Tomorrow night, Sartiano and Akiva open their latest hotspot, the G-Spa & Lounge, in the basement of the Gansevoort Hotel. The club, a spa during the day, can only hold 75 people. "