
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Base on skis wins polar contract

A new arctic sea base for the UK. It looks like something out of Star Wars.
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Base on skis wins polar contract: "The firm's concept comprises modular buildings that can be moved as the ice flows out to sea.
'All the buildings are on legs, and each leg has a ski at the bottom,' explained Hugh Broughton of Hugh Broughton Architects.
'So, when you want to move the buildings, you lower them down on their legs and they can then be moved around by a bulldozer,' he told BBC News.
This will prevent the possibility of the base drifting out into the ocean on the back of an iceberg that has 'calved' off the shelf - a fate that is expected to befall the current station unless it is soon dismantled and replaced. "


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