
CNN.com - No-frills hotel for central London - Aug 2, 2005

CNN.com - No-frills hotel for central London - Aug 2, 2005: "EasyJet, easyCruise, and now easyHotel. The entrepreneur known for his no-frills ethos, Stelios Haji-Ioannou, is opening his latest venture.
In keeping with the 'easy' philosophy, frills are again being ditched in favor of value for money. EasyHotel is charging $35 (�20) a night for double rooms at its first hotel in central London.
Following in the footsteps of Japan's capsule hotel concept, these rooms are being heralded as Europe's smallest.
Rooms come in three sizes -- small, really small and tiny. At 80, 70 and 60 square feet (7.2, 6.3 or 5.4 square meters), there is little room to swing anything more than a carry-on bag."


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